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Minutes 02/13/2009
Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative (TECC)
Executive/All TECC Meeting

Present: Mary Cecchinato Torrington Child Care Center, Doreen Deary La Via Latina, Jordan Fenster Register Citizen, Lucille Fines Vogel-Wetmore Elementary, Brandy Grant Torringford Elementary, Cindy Gurreri Graustein Memorial Fund, Patti Harris Torrington Public Schools, Mindy Hobson Parent Committee, Donna Labbe TECC Coordinator, Charlene Lee Brooker Memorial, Debbie Muhlbaier Future Foundations,  Cheryl Peterson TECC Parent Committee, Jan Sosnicki Hilltop Nursery,  Sue Vivian School Readiness Liaison,   Kathleen Wilmes TECC Birth Through Eight Planning Committee

Meeting called to order 12:47 p.m. by Co-Chair Mary Cecchinato

Mindy was presented a token of TECC’s appreciation for her work on the Clothing drive

People Empowering People (PEP)/Aspira Parents for Excellence (APEX)training Programs: TECC applied for $10,000 from the Community Foundation of Public Giving for NW CT for a morning and evening PEP class.    
APEX has 6 members – still time to recruit more

Free NCCC Parent Leadership through Civic Engagement Course fully attended Spring 09  Recruiting for Fall 09 Contact Michelle Gray for an application (860) 738-0580 or

School Readiness
Program Description - Embedded in the handbook – Mary Cecchinato, Dir. Torrington Child Care Center asked if some attachments could not be included in the parent handbook  that are not relevant – she will provide Sue Vivian, SR Liaison  with examples and she will follow-up

School Readiness money has stayed the same but cost of living has risen – Competitive towns will have 13 slots as opposed to 15 to help compensate teachers salary –

Difference in amount won’t make a difference, Council was asked TECC to make a decision on weather we wanted 15 or 13 – TECC will consider and Head Start will be asked as well

Preschool Framework and the packet (assessment tool) that goes along with it was presented and handed out – 30 standards (skills) that children should know – one for every site.  Heard good things about it, easy to use

Special Ed within school district uses the preschool framework to make their goals – Patti Harris

Professional Development will set up a training of assessment – weekend was recommended – K teachers and preschool teachers together would be ideal

Three times a year (assessment) based on FRC
K Fair March 7th at the High School , C.H.I.P., Hands on station, raffle prizes, story time with local officials, Fire Truck first day of k for one lucky winner

Public Awareness
Position papers on specific early childhood topics, web site under construction

Professional Development
Committee is down to 3
The idea to merge with the School Readiness Committee posed – all agreed -Transition has merged as well
Conscious Discipline Offered at Hilltop Nursery
Dr. Vega and Pat M. trained in CD bi-lingual

Clothing Drive tentative date for Aug 8th, storage unit is almost full – partnered with Consignment stores

Last year, expected 300 and 600 were served. Thoughts on how to pace the recipients when they come in to avoid running out of clothes for participants that come later in the day.  

Kohls can help with volunteers

Birth Through Eight Planning Committee

Committees are working on top three strategies for low cost/long term policy strategies; first draft is being worked on

Kathleen attended a GMF focus group; other communities are facing similar issues

Paul Vivian spoke about the governance structure of TECC/B-8 planning committees

Planning Grant will be done June 09
Discovery has funds until Dec 09
GMF is working on strategic plans for 2010-2014 – GMF lost 30% of its investments

If Torrington became a Priority Community what would that mean to TECC – Answer, the funds would come to the School District, School Readiness

Strategy - Try to get local officials to be on state committees that are making recommendations for funding

All-TECC will receive a message of recommended governance structures and can vote.

Budget: $40 carry-in – All funds for 08 Spent

Other business:  Shaun McNally spoke at the Rotary – they requested back up of statistics he mentioned

Shaun came to a Chamber for a governance meeting, legislators were present, TECC made good contacts to see where we can go to move forward

Litchfield County Moms: Register Citizen Editor Jordan Fenster presented the print quarterly concept of this paper.  The web site will be daily organized geographically: local, state, national, & global.  To submit ideas contact Jordan at or 489-3121 X333

Meeting adjourned 1:54 p.m.             Respectfully Submitted: Donna Labbe